At Integrity Painting, our exterior house painters are skilled, knowledgeable and well trained in all aspects from priming to painting. Ultimately, leaving your home beautifully rejuvenated for years to come. Exterior paint can last anywhere between 5-12 years. However, several different factors can drastically impact the longevity of your home or business’s exterior. We are trained on surface preparations and appropriate paint for the job. When it comes to painting the exterior of a property, the adage is a proper paint job is the key for the longevity of the exterior of a structure.
At Integrity Painting, we understand the importance of a well-maintained exterior for your home’s beauty, durability, and value. Our team of skilled and experienced painters specializes in residential exterior house painting, providing top-notch services. Our objective is to enhance the curb appeal of your property
As owner and CEO of Integrity Painting, I stand by the name of my company as well as my team members. They are well versed and trained in paint products and every type of exterior home surfaces including wood, non-wood surfaces, composite and engineered surfaces. With this knowledge our staff will quickly assess your property and make the appropriate recommendations for paint type as well as application method.